Senior citizens are the fastest-growing segment of our population. The good news is they are living longer than ever. The bad news is they are living longer than ever. Living longer is a double-edged sword. They are much more active than their predecessors and because of that they are out and about much more than previous generations of seniors.
Best Self Defense Tips for Senior
That makes them targets for the bad guys. Approximately 92% of crimes committed against seniors are property crimes. 20% of crimes committed against seniors on a personal level involve theft.Burglars, scam artists and petty thieves see seniors as "targets of opportunity" especially older women. If seniors understand that they can take some steps to level the playing field. Here are some steps they can take. They are the best senior self defense tips- the top 10.
Best Self Defense Tips for Senior
- Carry yourself confidently-don't be a target.
- Always be alert and always be prepared-people who are distracted make for easy targets. The bad guys use surprise and deception as part of their game plan.
- Don't go alone-whenever you are out always try and have someone with you. If you are alone when shopping at for an escort to your car.
- Run your errands and a daytime-the bad guys do most of their criminal activity at night. That is just a fact.
- Learn some basic self-defense techniques. You don't have to become an expert but if you just learn one or two simple techniques it could save your life.
- Carry some self defense products-a stun gun, pepper spray and the personal alarm. I actually recommend that you carry a personal alarm and a stun gun or a pepper spray.
- Make lots of noise-if you are attacked noise draws attention to your situation. This is where your personal alarm can come in handy.
- Don't be bashful-if you are attacked know where to hit the assailant. Gouge his eyes, kick him in his private parts, a fist to his ear or over the bridge of his nose will certainly slow him down.
- No stun gun? No problem-use whatever you have available as a weapon. Your purse, your cane, your keys, a ball point pen or hairspray in the face all make good weapons.
- Fight fight fight-your life may be in the balance. The bad guys are not expecting any resistance. The more vigorously fight back the better your chances.
Follow these best senior self defense tips-the top ten and you make yourself and your friends safer.