3 Best Self Defense Techniques

3 Best Self Defense Techniques
Self defense moves (also known as self defense techniques) are a dime a dozen. It seems like everyone has an idea on what are the best self defense techniques or moves. However, many of them don't work. A fair percentage of them just aren't effective in real life situations. That being said, there are some simple moves that are useful and effective, and which you can learn easily enough. Now, they do still require training and proper instruction, but you don't need to be any kind of martial arts expert. These are the best ones...

3 Best Self Defense Techniques

3 Best Self Defense Techniques
The first one, and everyone should know this one, is a front kick to the groin. It doesn't have to be a perfect, martial arts, two chamber, front snap kick to the groin. You just have to make your foot connect with your attacker's groin. And it doesn't have to snap out, it can lift up, push, as long as you're hitting someone in the groin, it's going to take them down. It's not going to take them down permanently, but the 10 seconds that they are hurting should be enough time for you to make your escape. Making it as difficult as possible for the attacker is what we're looking to achieve with these simple, but effective, self defense moves. We're not looking to incapacitate, we're looking to allow us time to escape the situation safely.

3 Best Self Defense Techniques

Another great one, is the eye jab. Now, when a lot of people think of eye jabs, it conjures up images of the Bruce Lee, kung fu, two finger poke to the eye; that's not what we're talking about here. Instead of just using two fingers, why not use four? Obviously your thumb can be considered a finger too, but it's not really effective for eye jabbing because it's behind. But, the first four can all be spread out in a fan like motion and thrusted at the attacker's eyes. This is great for self defense because you don't have to be that accurate; especially if you use both hands at once.

The third self defense move is the ear slap. Ear slaps are great because when you slap someone in the ear, it causes damage to the ear drum, which temporarily affects their balance. An ear slap won't knock your attacker to the ground, but it will buy you a few seconds to follow up with your next self defense, or to start running away. It's ideal for when someone is up close and trying to grab hold of you. The attacker won't be able to hold on to you tightly if they're stunned and dizzy.